So, me and the cuz decide to go hit a few balls this morning. Nothing crazy, I mean we’re unquestionably not the next Tiger Woods, more like the next Phil Michelson’s I would say. (Sorry, I couldn’t even help but cackle when I typed that) It was such an enjoyable time. My friend Johnny even met us there for a little while; and, I must say, he and his golfing abilities really astounded me. All and all we did really well – for beginners. There were a few times it rained golf balls though, or a wayward ball actually went further in the patron pavilion than on the green, but hey, like I said, we’re beginners. As the morning progressed, and the empty pitchers piled up, our game actually improved. But funny thing, our improvement very closely followed the Gaussian Distribution, also known as the ‘Bell Curve.’ After about the second pitcher was empty, we both had a hard time making contact with the ball, but little difficulty making contact with the ground?!?! Must be the wind…
*No comments on the stance or posture, please...
Taste of Addison
So I worked the City of Dallas, Trinity River Corridor Project booth at the Taste of Addison today from 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm. To be truthfully honest, I really wasn’t looking forward to going, but once there I actually had a good time! The weather (until it got dark) was perfect. There were a few idiots, who were obviously uneducated and uninformed, who either wanted to argue with me, or just flat out tell me that “they were geology majors and just couldn’t support this project.” Who the flip cares! If you didn’t support the project, or want a free pencil, bag, or brochure, then why did you walk your happy ass over to the booth and talk to me? Why not just pass on by. I didn’t see the point of coming over and making an ass of yourself in front of the people who were actually interested and support the project. Anyway, it was a good time, if you haven’t been to Taste of Addison, you should go.
Looks like you're trying to kill a cockroach in that picture. Sorry, couldn't help myself.