Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm lost when it comes to LOST

Ok…just what in the hell is going on on that island on LOST. I just finished the season finale of LOST leading up to the final season coming in mid 2010. I am left with so many questions! Warning Lost spoilers ahead.

Here are just some of my questions:
1 – Who is the other man with Jacob in the opening scene?
2 – Why was Jacob seen visiting all the survivors?
3 – Is Jacob a good or bad person?
4 – Does Juliette live or die?
5 – What does Richard’s answer to the statute question translate to?
6 – What’s up with this other team lead by Alana?
7 – If Locke is still dead in a casket, who was the person that looked just like Locke?

So many questions are still swirling around in my head. I honestly don’t know if I am going to be able to make it until the series finale debuts in 2010. It does really seem that the show has taken on some spiritual or good v. evil subject matter. The writers really do deserve some type of an award for creativity, or at minimum a stoning for dragging on the answers to so many important questions.

Let me close by sharing one hypothesis I have formulated with you. The other man in the opening scene with Jacob seems to categorically disagree with everything Jacob believes. He tells him “do you know how bad I want to kill you?” and then says “I will find a loop hole one day” to which Jacob replies “When you do, I’ll be here.” So take that in addition to the fact that the real John Locke is actually dead and his body is being toted in the silver container. Once inside the statue Jacob tells Ben and pseudo Locke “I guess you found your loop hole.” So I think that the person posing as Locke is actually the same man that we see with Jacob in the opening scene. Just a theory… One things for sure though, starting with the first episode of the last season, I’m going to need some questions answered toot sweet.

And if you aren’t a devout follower of LOST everything I have just said above is going to seem like Greek to you. If so, you’re totally missing out – get onboard.

1 comment:

  1. I can't read your post because I haven't even started SEASON THREE!!!!!!
