Just your average 20-something Dallas resident. Some names and identifying characteristics have been changed. Additionally, some sequences and details of events may have been changed, mainly for my own personal gain. This is an account of the day's happenings...from MY perspective.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
All about me!
1-I hate tuna. I hate tuna in all consumable forms; tuna fish, tuna salad, tuna pâté, any form of tuna makes my skin crawl. Since I can remember, I have always had a hatred of this deplorable ocean-dwelling carnivorous fish. The smell alone can send me over the edge, from pleasant to ‘postal’ in .001 seconds flat.
2-I was almost a twin. Yes, seriously, I was almost a twin. Ask my Mother if you don’t believe me, there were in fact – two amniotic sacs present when I was born.
3-I do not like cold foods. Let me clarify this some. The statement “I do not like cold foods” can be somewhat of a misnomer. While I do like some cold foods, (salads, sorbets, deviled eggs, sushi, etc) I do not like foods that were originally served hot and then consumed cold (pizza, leftovers, etc.).
4-I have held a drivers license for ten years, and have had eight cars in that time. This is a bit excessive; I realize this while reading my post. None the less, it’s true. Truck, 4Runner, Jeep, Accord, Accord, Mercedes, Lexus, Mercedes. Not to worry, I ‘plan’ on keeping my current car for at least two more years. Plan to.
5-I have six nieces and nephews. I have two sisters who each have three children. The oldest, Candlelynn, has triplets, Christian, Kimber, and Camden. The middle, Amber, has three children, Julie, Alan, and Jeremy. And then there's me.
6-I have a dog named Weslee. Weslee was a gift from my parents for my 21st birthday. He is a West Highlands White Terrier, or Westie. He turns four in November.
7-My two favorite genres of music are 80’s and soft rock. I think this number is pretty self explanatory. Also, one little known fact about me...my favorite singer of all time is Ronnie Milsap.
8-At age 13 I drove my sister’s car through the garage…with the garage door closed and my Mother’s car parked in the garage. True story, I was just learning how to drive a standard and I was starting the car and didn’t fully depress the clutch and BAM! I slammed my sister’s car through the garage door tearing it down, busting a head light and causing my parents about 100+ new grey hairs. My mother opened the door and said “wait until your father sees this.” Cut to 15 minutes later when my Dad sees it, his exact words “you’re going to help me fix this,” not so much in a quizzical tone as it was a declarative statement, and I haven’t heard another word about it to this day. Could it be the fact that my Father did the same exact thing to his parents house, except he drove the car through the house, slamming through walls and knocking a refrigerator over. This also, is not a lie.
9-On average I eat about 2.5 jars of pickles a week. I eat pickles with almost every meal; and, before you even say it – yes, I know that’s not a healthy habit. However, I already take a blood pressure pill everyday, so I’m good with the sodium.
10-I once glued everything down on my sister’s bathroom cabinet using nail glue. I’m talking everything, toothbrush, toothbrush holder, curling iron, brush, soap, hairspray. Petty, yes, childish, yes, but also hilarious. I’m sure at the time I was mad about something she did, and exacted my revenge in this juvenile yet mirthful way. To this day, my sister still gets incensed when this subject is dredged up.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day
So I’ve been trying to become more active and drop a few extra lbs before my upcoming trip. With that being said, I went for a walk/run when I got up this morning. I prefer to walk through my neighborhood because I like to keep my eye out for newly listed townhomes for sale. I was feeling extra energetic so I thought that I would the workout some extra bravado. I walked/ran all the way from my apartment to Ross Avenue – for which I am so proud of myself. For fear of internet stalkers I’m not going to give the exact location of my apartment, but know that it was a long way, almost two miles roundtrip. I know this because I was wearing a pedometer. Next on my list was cleaning, I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom. Complete with dusting, sweeping, laundry, carpet cleaning and organizing the clothes in my dresser and closet. Then out to do a little shopping for my friend’s upcoming birthday. I still need to pick up a few smaller things, but I am pretty much done. Lastly, I finished off the day catching up on some DVR’d shows, a movie, and then Keeping up with the Kardashians. Tonight is the season premier of Jon & Kate + 8 but I’ll save that for tomorrow. Last but not least, thank you to the many men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our nation.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
John & Kate + 8, no mas or media fiction?
While I’m on the subject, let me throw a couple of my favorite shows out there for your musing. This seems like a lot, and it is, but know that most I don’t watch every week, but the ones that I do are marked with an *.
Lost*, Desperate Housewives*, Brothers & Sisters*, Family Guy*, American Dad, Big Love, Law & Order, and Gossip Girl (It’s more like a guilty pleasure)
The Real World*, Real Housewives of Orange County/New Jersey*, Project Runway, Airline, Miami Ink, Deadliest Catch, Frontier House (I SO miss that show), Kathy Griffin – My Life on the D List, and Operation Repo
How It’s Made, Texas Country Reporter*, Histories Mysteries, Myth Busters, Anderson Cooper 360*, and Larry King Live
Following in the steps of my fellow blogger “Telly,” what are some of your favorite shows?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Celebrate good times…c’mon
Friday, May 15, 2009
Home sweet home...
Congrats to my sister, she graduates with her Masters tomorrow...following in the steps of her little brother. Ha Ha! So we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Krit's coming over to hang out in the morning, then all of us (me, CJ, GC, and Krit) are all going out to dinner at Trulucks to celebrate. I'm already salivating at the thought of their blue crab appetizer and steak & lobster entree. I'm thinking of going to Sprinkles to get some celebratory cupcakes for my sister...we shall see.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I'm lost when it comes to LOST
Here are just some of my questions:
1 – Who is the other man with Jacob in the opening scene?
2 – Why was Jacob seen visiting all the survivors?
3 – Is Jacob a good or bad person?
4 – Does Juliette live or die?
5 – What does Richard’s answer to the statute question translate to?
6 – What’s up with this other team lead by Alana?
7 – If Locke is still dead in a casket, who was the person that looked just like Locke?
So many questions are still swirling around in my head. I honestly don’t know if I am going to be able to make it until the series finale debuts in 2010. It does really seem that the show has taken on some spiritual or good v. evil subject matter. The writers really do deserve some type of an award for creativity, or at minimum a stoning for dragging on the answers to so many important questions.
Let me close by sharing one hypothesis I have formulated with you. The other man in the opening scene with Jacob seems to categorically disagree with everything Jacob believes. He tells him “do you know how bad I want to kill you?” and then says “I will find a loop hole one day” to which Jacob replies “When you do, I’ll be here.” So take that in addition to the fact that the real John Locke is actually dead and his body is being toted in the silver container. Once inside the statue Jacob tells Ben and pseudo Locke “I guess you found your loop hole.” So I think that the person posing as Locke is actually the same man that we see with Jacob in the opening scene. Just a theory… One things for sure though, starting with the first episode of the last season, I’m going to need some questions answered toot sweet.
And if you aren’t a devout follower of LOST everything I have just said above is going to seem like Greek to you. If so, you’re totally missing out – get onboard.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Connie Culp
What I couldn’t/can’t comprehend was her unwavering positivity, tenacity, gratitude, and forgiveness in spite of such a horrible tragedy. In the interview when speaking about her husband, she tells Dianne Sawyer “I forgave him the day he did it” then she added “I had to.” What kind of a human is able to forgive the person who just shot them in the face forever disfiguring them? She also decided very shortly after the incident, that “I want to be positive. I want to move on. That's what I said," she said. "Everything's going to be great from here on out. It's going to be good." She even made it a point to publicly thank not only the doctors participating in the two-day - 22 hour surgery, but also the individual/family that made a new face available to her by donation. What a truly amazing individual she is. It really makes me examine my own life, which I rarely do, because upon self-reflection, the things I complain and worry about in my life are so small and petty in the grand scheme of things. I have been blessed with a perfect life - my family and I all have our health, happiness, and prosperity. I feel like there is so much that we can learn from Connie, she is truly an inspirational person.
Monday, May 11, 2009
“Weenie” the dog

This weekend was Mothers Day as well as my mother’s birthday. On Sunday I drove out to my parent’s house to be with my family and give my mother her gifts. Upon arrival, I noticed that there is a new member of the family, one with four paws. To make a long story short, it appears that someone threw the dog out somewhere near my parents house and it sauntered up. The dog, which we will call “Weenie” (I’ll get to the name in a bit), appears to be a white female lab of some sorts, though I am not positively certain of its Mammalia Canis classification. She is so sweet and docile; she really has certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ about her, if dogs can have such an attribute. My parents are hesitant to keep her for fear of digging and tearing up the yard/flowerbeds. Anyway, we were instructed not to feed the dog, but since when do I ever follow directions? So I cooked the dog a package of Oscar-Myer weenies [Ergo the name “Weenie”] and fed them to her. At first, she didn’t want to eat them, but once I cajoled her to taste one, she devoured them all. She must have been very hungry.
I’m not sure how this story is going to play out. We’ll just have to wait and see…
Oh, and we had a good Mother's Day/Birthday Celebration.
I love my Mother very much.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A pretty good day!
So, me and the cuz decide to go hit a few balls this morning. Nothing crazy, I mean we’re unquestionably not the next Tiger Woods, more like the next Phil Michelson’s I would say. (Sorry, I couldn’t even help but cackle when I typed that) It was such an enjoyable time. My friend Johnny even met us there for a little while; and, I must say, he and his golfing abilities really astounded me. All and all we did really well – for beginners. There were a few times it rained golf balls though, or a wayward ball actually went further in the patron pavilion than on the green, but hey, like I said, we’re beginners. As the morning progressed, and the empty pitchers piled up, our game actually improved. But funny thing, our improvement very closely followed the Gaussian Distribution, also known as the ‘Bell Curve.’ After about the second pitcher was empty, we both had a hard time making contact with the ball, but little difficulty making contact with the ground?!?! Must be the wind…
*No comments on the stance or posture, please...
Taste of Addison
So I worked the City of Dallas, Trinity River Corridor Project booth at the Taste of Addison today from 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm. To be truthfully honest, I really wasn’t looking forward to going, but once there I actually had a good time! The weather (until it got dark) was perfect. There were a few idiots, who were obviously uneducated and uninformed, who either wanted to argue with me, or just flat out tell me that “they were geology majors and just couldn’t support this project.” Who the flip cares! If you didn’t support the project, or want a free pencil, bag, or brochure, then why did you walk your happy ass over to the booth and talk to me? Why not just pass on by. I didn’t see the point of coming over and making an ass of yourself in front of the people who were actually interested and support the project. Anyway, it was a good time, if you haven’t been to Taste of Addison, you should go.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Gnome update
The biggest let down...
I always have to learn things the hard way, and this friends, is no exception.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
KFC Grilled Chicken – totally a “no-go.”
So yesterday, the work posse and I load up and head to the nearest KFC. After an eternity of trying to find a parking space in what I am now convinced is an extension of Satan’s lair a.k.a. KFC’s parking lot, we opt to try the drive-thru. Sidebar - there are about 65 people in line inside the restaurant, so many in fact the door won’t close.
So we head to the drive thru, after waiting in line for about 20 minutes we get to the window and order. Then I hear, “I’m sorry sir, but we don’t have anymore grilled chicken, would you like Original instead?” “No the hell, I would not,” okay, okay, so I didn’t say that, I wanted to, but didn't. I did opt to wait the additional 11 minutes it would take to finish cooking the new grilled chicken. We have to park and wait except there is no parking available, so we just move up and wait. The movement of vehicles, or lack there of, in the parking lot reminded me a lot of the movements of a Rubik’s cube, but I’m getting off topic. We FINALLY get our food and head back to City Hall. Upon I arrival I learn that they didn’t include one of my sides. By this point, I’m so hungry I don’t care and just want to eat my food. I take a bite and then immediately want to puke. The best way to describe the new grilled chicken from KFC is as follows: it was the vilest, most repulsive, and beastly tasting thing I have ever put into my mouth. Don’t waste your time or money on it.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
It’s not like I’m looking for Jimmy Hoffa’s body
You would think that finding such an integral piece of gardening supplies would be an easy task. Not so. I spent over four hours today driving around Dallas searching for the perfect gnome. One by one, I hit up each location in Dallas suspected of having said gnome, and one by one, I was disappointed. I tried Lowes, Home Depot, Target, Wal-Mart, Big Lots, and Calloway’s Nursery. No one had a garden gnome.
Seriously, it wasn’t like I was looking for the rarest, most expensive and exotic substance on earth, I was looking for a freaking garden gnome. Finally, on the suggestion of a friend (thanks Les) I tried Jackson’s Home and Garden on Lemmon across from Love Field Airport. Might I just add that place is amazing! They had the most unique and cool things for sale, and get this, they even serve fresh baked cookies and punch to everyone in the store. Though, since we are in the height of the Swine Flu epidemic I declined the cookie and punch for fear of contracting the pig flu.
Anyway…I asked the concierge (yes, they really do have a concierge) if they carried gnomes. Eureka! They do! I was so excited and ready to pack that bitch up and leave. So I cruise on over to isle 3, and there they are, 50+ different styles of garden gnomes, each with a distinctive facial expression. One problem, the smallest gnome they had was $ 369.99! No lie. Needless to say, I had to pass. I love my Mother, but $369.99 is ridiculous.
The search continues…