TWO ENTHUSIASTIC thumbs up! Oh. My. Gosh. This movie was laugh-out-loud funny. If you're like me and enjoy physical comedies you are in for a treat. Both Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman are great. Melissa or "Sandy Bigelow...Patterson" was in all her former 'Bridesmaids' glory plus some, and Jason Bateman was just as funny now as he was during the Arrested Deveopment days. (Sidebar: I've read online that there's supposedly an Arrested Deveopment movie in the works starring all of the original cast members!) Strangely, T.I. was very good playing a thuged out drug dealer - whowoulda' thought?!?! I joke, but bottom line, the movie is a good mindless comedy that doesn't disappoint. If you don't make it to the theater you at least have to check it out on OnDemand or at minimum Red Box.
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