Why can I not seem to throw away old lotto tickets?!?! I mean, seriously – I can’t. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I am known as a bit of a pack rat, but then again, who isn’t. Yes, I’m just like everyone else, I keep clothes that are too small in the hopes that I will eventually lose weight and get into shape and subsequently the smaller article of clothing. I also seem to keep old magazines and mail around, but that’s beside the point. I guess I feel that I can’t get rid of old lotto tickets on the slim off-chance that I might have misread or overlooked the numbers on the lotto ticket and it could actually be a winner. How on Earth would I be able to continue with my life knowing that I might have possibly thrown out a multi-million dollar winning ticket? I just couldn’t and therefore I don’t throw away lotto tickets until they are one year or older. FYI – Texas Lotto tickets are void after one year...that way I never have to worry about accidentally throwing away millions.
Is anyone else sick of hearing about Tiger Woods? I mean, I never really liked the guy, but come on, give the man a break. Talent aside, Tiger’s unsightly bad attitude and un-sportsman-like conduct has really annoyed me over the years, the time I saw him slap an adoring fan who happened to be a child’s hand out of the way when he missed his shot sealed the deal for me. Tiger = Douche. I think the media has done enough damage and smeared his name enough. Move on to the next ‘hot topic.’ PLEASE!
Your new nickname shall be...Zee, Junior.
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