DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion, so please don't bother posting comments about how this award is deserved, because no matter what you say - I won't believe it. Save those comments for The Washington Post, or the ladies of The View, or someone who actually cares.
I think my 'mother freaking' head is going to explode. President Obama has won a Nobel Peace prize for...get this...his speeches. Man, I've lived such a sheltered/country life that I thought the Nobel Peace Prize was reserved for individuals who actually promoted world peace. How dumb was I to think that, apparently you get a Nobel Peace Prize for...talking well. Are you serious...give me a freaking break. Because he gives speeches well, WTF?
Let's take a look at some previous Nobel Peace Prize winners:
Martin Luther King, Jr. - figurehead of the non-violent civil rights and anti-segregation movements in America
Nelson Mandela - prominent civil rights leader and former president of South Africa
Mother Theresa - 'nuff said
It's really a disgrace that Alfred Nobel's legacy of honoring individuals who have done great things in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine or Literature while simultaneously promoting world peace has been tarnished by such a controversial (stupid) decision. So exactly which section does "giving good speeches" and dividing congress (read:America) on health care, fall into? Literature maybe, oh, wait, he didn't write any of those speeches. Medicine, oh, wait, none of those bills he didn't write have been passed yet.
"Because he gives good speeches"...come on. What a disgrace.
Not to mention that Ghandi never received one...