Just your average 20-something Dallas resident. Some names and identifying characteristics have been changed. Additionally, some sequences and details of events may have been changed, mainly for my own personal gain. This is an account of the day's happenings...from MY perspective.
Monday, September 28, 2009
For the love of DILL!
You’ve all read how much I like pickles. Well, I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows just to what extent. After tonight, I think I might honestly have a problem, a real big one. In fact somebody might want to call the Betty Ford Center and reserve a room for me. I was cleaning up the kitchen tonight when I opened the refrigerator door to get a drink and there they were, all seven of them; seven jars of pickles in my refrigerator! Now, I know what you’re saying, “why would you/anyone need seven jars of pickles?” And the answer isn’t entirely clear, but I like pickles, what can I say? Also, if you look closely, there are in fact only two jars of the same type of pickles; there’s two different brands of five different varieties available at ‘casa de Juan.’ One of my favorite snacks, which I admit sounds horrific, is baby dills and ranch. Now, I wasn't always a believer in this heavenly snack, but luckily I am…thanks to the phenomenal powers of persuasion of my friend Les.

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oh im glad you posted this!! I almost didnt believe you when you told me you had that many jars of pickles. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!