This is one of my weirder or more quirky posts…but I've promised this post to a couple of peeps at work. F & M – enjoy. Below is a list of my favorite words, their meaning and suggested usage per the “John Johnson Style & Usage Dictionary.” I actually finished it a couple of days ago and never got around to posting it, so today’s your lucky day, two posts in one day. More to come later because my laptop is going dead...enjoy.
Ex Post Facto – Latin which translates literally to “after the fact”
Thanks for telling me I was supposed to turn on that street two blocks ago. You’re a really good navigator…even if your directions are ex post facto.Űber – a superlative example of its kind or class
Űber seems to be the word de jour, use it freely.Vitriolic – bitter, scathing, or caustic
Many of my co-workers have such vitriolic personalities…Misnomer - A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object
To say that he’s intelligent is a bit of misnomer.Naff - unstylish, clichéd, or outmoded
A lot of people in Dallas have a naff fashion sense.Ad Nauseam - Latin which translates literally to “to the point of disgust”
I wish she would stop talking, we’ve heard about how great she is ad nauseam.