A lot on my mind
I know that I say this all the time and that it may loose some of its clout if I keep throwing it around, but I have been so very busy this week. On top of everything going on at work, my vacation is coming up…rapidly. I fly out to New York City in a couple days and have so much to do before then. Cleaning, Laundry, Packing, Errands, the list goes on and on. From New York City we are flying to Nashville, and then from Nashville on to Memphis. I’ve never been to Nashville or Memphis and am looking forward to the chance to see them. While in NYC, we have a full schedule from the time the car service picks up at the airport until the time it drops us back off. Not so sure about the activities during the later leg of the trip, all I know is that we are hitting up the Opry and Graceland. I’m getting excited and hope that it’s a memorable yet enjoyable time. I am going to eat my way through the Big Apple, Nashville, and Memphis because after that, my diet starts. No more of this half-assing it either, it’s on when I get back.
As many of you know Jon & Kate + 8 will now be (Jon + 8) (Kate+8) = The Gosselin’s. I’m so sad; I can’t believe that they’re really going to split. I can’t, I won’t believe it. I have posted many times about J&K+8 so you already know my feelings relating to the family and the kids. However, I do think that Jon isn’t really trying anymore; he wouldn’t even attend one marriage counseling session, not even one. As a father and a husband he owes it to his children and his wife/ex to undertake every effort to make it work. After that, if no reconciliation is possible, get a divorce. I am a firm believer that sometimes people do fall out of love with each other; it’s sad, but true. Just my personal opinion…
So with all that being said, I need to get a shower and get to bed. I haven’t been to bed prior to 1:00 am this entire week thus far. Also, let me know if you know of any “must see’s” in Nashville or Memphis.
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