Let me just preface this blog with a disclaimer – I do not, and have never used Petco for any type of pet grooming service. I have, in the past, on occasion, purchased pet related products from Petco. Well…NEVER AGAIN! Take a look at this
It details how a Petco in Hawaii was grooming a dog and “accidentally” cut off part of its ear; and, as if that wasn’t bad enough, they glued it back on and attempted to give the dog back to its owner without saying a word! Adding injury to insult, they had also clipped the dogs nails too short which were also bleeding.
Wester man resting |
To me, caring for a pet, whether in daycare, boarding or grooming is no different than caring for a child. I am very particular about who I leave Weslee in the care of. Really, the only people that I truly trust and don’t worry about while he is in their care, is my parents. I have, on occasion, left him with my sisters and their families, but I do worry – not because I think they won’t take top notch care of him, because they would/do/have, but because they each have young children, and, after all, kids are known to be forgetful and don’t really pay attention. He has had the same vet, with the exception of a specialist his entire life. His vet is an hour drive from my house, but he is the only one I trust. He has has been our “family” vet for 15+ years, and, during that time, I’ve called him at home 10+ times, about 5 of which, were between the hours of 1:00 am – 4:00 am. He is an excellent vet and I trust him implicitly, but, I am getting off the topic of this blog.
Had this been me, and I got back in the car or arrived at home only to find my dogs ear bloody and parts glued back on, I would most likely be in jail or at minimum facing serious criminal charges. While I won’t go as far as saying I would have ‘killed’ someone, I most certainly would have attempted to use the clippers to trim off one of their appendages in an effort remedy the situation. This is totally, 100%, entirely unacceptable. Let me close by saying, had I been on this jury, the plaintiff would be very, very rich.