Just your average 20-something Dallas resident. Some names and identifying characteristics have been changed. Additionally, some sequences and details of events may have been changed, mainly for my own personal gain. This is an account of the day's happenings...from MY perspective.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Don't fall for it...
So I love popsicles, my favorite are the plain (Cherry, Orange, and Grape), but at the grocery store this weekend I ran across these new 'slow melt' pops which I just had to have. After I check out, I get them home - somehow they survived the 104 degree drive in the trunk on the way home. I finish putting all of the groceries away that I had purchased and then made a sandwich for my dinner. After dinner I thought to myself...what a wonderful treat one of those new popsicles would be right now. So I go get one and unwrap it. As soon as I put it in my mouth I knew that something wasn't quite right. After a few Google searches I found out that the new 'slow melt' formula is nothing more than an unflavored gelatin product. It was gross, I mean, yes, you occasionally got a burst of flavor, but more so than not, you tasted what I would describe as unflavored Jell-O with just a hint of flavor. It's almost like the popsicle was made in layers; one layer of fruit juice, one layer of unflavored gelatin, one layer of fruit juice, one layer of unflavored gelatin, one layer of fruit juice, one layer of unflavored gelatin, and so on... Anyway, I just wanted to tell everyone “don’t do it” go with the regular, delicious fast melting, mess causing, clothes staining popsicles, that we all know and love.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Couple of things...
Okay, just a couple of things really quick. It's late and tomorrow is a Council day so I need to get to bed.
First, I got a new cell phone - finally! I was so ready to send the Curve to the curb. I just got the new BlackBerry Tour, and might I just add it's awesome. I'm so glad I waited to upgrade. Okay, so I just had to get that off my chest. I love it!
Second, Bill O'Riley is a douche.
Third, I'm so sad that I missed/was unaware that Christopher Cross and a handful of other 80's legends were performing at the Myerson. From what I hear/read it was a great show, the only thing that would have made them better would have been that I was present.
Fourth, my friend who recently made a career change from commercial real estate to teaching (behavioral adjustment children none the less) has asked me to come and speak to her Student Council students, any topic, my choice. So I pose that question you, what should I speak on? I've got a couple ideas, but I really want to pick a good/interesting subject. Help me out 'guys.'
Fifth, I seriously think that Intervention has got to be one of the most disturbing shows on TV. I mean I'm glad they're getting help and have family that cares, but damn, some of the stuff they show.
I'm so ready for Fall and the holidays that follow. Bring on the food!
First, I got a new cell phone - finally! I was so ready to send the Curve to the curb. I just got the new BlackBerry Tour, and might I just add it's awesome. I'm so glad I waited to upgrade. Okay, so I just had to get that off my chest. I love it!
Second, Bill O'Riley is a douche.
Third, I'm so sad that I missed/was unaware that Christopher Cross and a handful of other 80's legends were performing at the Myerson. From what I hear/read it was a great show, the only thing that would have made them better would have been that I was present.
Fourth, my friend who recently made a career change from commercial real estate to teaching (behavioral adjustment children none the less) has asked me to come and speak to her Student Council students, any topic, my choice. So I pose that question you, what should I speak on? I've got a couple ideas, but I really want to pick a good/interesting subject. Help me out 'guys.'
Fifth, I seriously think that Intervention has got to be one of the most disturbing shows on TV. I mean I'm glad they're getting help and have family that cares, but damn, some of the stuff they show.
I'm so ready for Fall and the holidays that follow. Bring on the food!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Getting old sucks...
This time of year proves to be very exciting for high school students all over the world who are fortunate enough to be attending college. I can still remember exactly what it felt like the very first day I walked into class at A&M-C. It’s a fusion of feelings like thrill, anxiety, false-maturity and excitement all rolled into one. I’m actually a little bit jealous of all these students that are heading off to college. I truly miss being in college…I know, I know, most people reading this are like “what is wrong with you?” but I loved college; it was such an exciting experience and one I would love to do again. I can just image the eye rolls that this blog posting is causing my sister to have as she reads this post. There is so much that I miss; I miss the opportunity to get to know individuals from different cultures and walks of life, I miss the way the buildings/hallways smell, I miss having no other responsibility other than to learn, I miss having epiphanies about the way things actually are, versus the way I perceived them to be, oh and I miss having carte blanche with my parent’s credit card.
Now, that’s not to say that I wouldn’t do a few things differently.
First, I would have attended a different university (for both my BA & MSM) and majored in a different discipline. While I loved A&M-C, and I think I was born to be a business major, I would have liked to have gone off to college instead of staying close to home. Somewhere like Columbia – because I (HEART) NY and the university’s stellar reputation speaks for itself, or maybe the University of Colorado @ Boulder – quite simply the location, and/or the aesthetics of your surroundings would be worth it alone, and did I mention it sits at the foot of the Rocky Mountains? I mean, what could be more thought provoking and encouraging than snowy mountains in the winter and beautiful, tepid summer days? Or, maybe even The American University in Rome, though I’m thinking that would have taken some serious pep talking to my parents… Also, I think I would have either studied psychology and counseling with the goal of becoming a therapist, or continued on with my first discipline choice - culinary art.
Second, I might have reduced the time I spent partying [read drinking] by 5%, and increased the time I spent studying and applying myself by 5% - though not a point more. Partying is a part of college, I’m realist people, you should know this by now.
Lastly, I think I would have gone to more sporting & social events at the school. I am pained/ashamed to say that over the course of 5 years and two degrees, I did not attend one football game; but, what I missed out on in sporting events, I well made up for it in partying at the Sigma Chi party barn.
In all honesty, to fully appreciate and enjoy your alma mater you have partake in everything it offers. College is such a wonderful and enlightening time for young adults. I just hope I’m around long enough to help my kids, and my two nieces and four nephews pick colleges and shop for dorm room supplies! The possibility that lies before them just blows my mind. I hope they enjoy it while they can, because, before they know it, they’ll have graduated and be in the ‘real world,’ which isn’t nearly as fun.
Now, that’s not to say that I wouldn’t do a few things differently.
First, I would have attended a different university (for both my BA & MSM) and majored in a different discipline. While I loved A&M-C, and I think I was born to be a business major, I would have liked to have gone off to college instead of staying close to home. Somewhere like Columbia – because I (HEART) NY and the university’s stellar reputation speaks for itself, or maybe the University of Colorado @ Boulder – quite simply the location, and/or the aesthetics of your surroundings would be worth it alone, and did I mention it sits at the foot of the Rocky Mountains? I mean, what could be more thought provoking and encouraging than snowy mountains in the winter and beautiful, tepid summer days? Or, maybe even The American University in Rome, though I’m thinking that would have taken some serious pep talking to my parents… Also, I think I would have either studied psychology and counseling with the goal of becoming a therapist, or continued on with my first discipline choice - culinary art.
Second, I might have reduced the time I spent partying [read drinking] by 5%, and increased the time I spent studying and applying myself by 5% - though not a point more. Partying is a part of college, I’m realist people, you should know this by now.
Lastly, I think I would have gone to more sporting & social events at the school. I am pained/ashamed to say that over the course of 5 years and two degrees, I did not attend one football game; but, what I missed out on in sporting events, I well made up for it in partying at the Sigma Chi party barn.
In all honesty, to fully appreciate and enjoy your alma mater you have partake in everything it offers. College is such a wonderful and enlightening time for young adults. I just hope I’m around long enough to help my kids, and my two nieces and four nephews pick colleges and shop for dorm room supplies! The possibility that lies before them just blows my mind. I hope they enjoy it while they can, because, before they know it, they’ll have graduated and be in the ‘real world,’ which isn’t nearly as fun.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Dinner sans Louie’s, Road rage, Mi Cocina, Adam, et al
So I didn’t go home this weekend (gasp), you can close your jaw now. I know, I always go home, every Sunday, but not this Sunday. This weekend my Mother wasn’t going to be home and so I opted to say home, go to church, run some errands and get a few things around the house done. Saturday afternoon my Aunt and Grandmother came over to my apartment and met me for lunch and some shopping. We had planned our meeting around having dinner at Louie’s. My Aunt has been dying to eat there since she saw and episode of Diners, Drives & Dives which portrayed Louie’s. Let me just say, Louie’s food is pretty good, but their rude ass service staff really steals the show when compared to the food. Telly and I recently ate at Louie’s and while the food was good, the service was ‘nothing to write home about.’ Needless to say my Aunt and Grandmother weren’t able to dine at Louie’s because the dumb ass wait staff couldn’t get their act together long enough to agree on the time they opened. First it was 4:00 then 4:30 and then via phone they reveal it’s actually 5:30. Well you know what…F Louie’s, and the delicious pizza they rode in on. To make a long story short (too late) we ended up at Fireside Pies which is also delicious.
Saturday night B and I went eat and then to the Magnolia to see Adam. On the way from B’s apartment to Mi Cocina this total douche bag honked at me and then swerved around me and “tried” to pass, however, I was one step ahead and floored the car causing him to drive parallel to me in the wrong lane with oncoming traffic approaching. Apparently, I didn’t turn fast enough for his liking, but excuse me, when there are cars coming from both directions it makes it quite difficult to do so. Anyway, B wasn’t happy that I was driving like a total maniac and had this total psycho look in my eye, somewhere between a phone wielding Russell Crowe and an umbrella swinging pre-conservatorship Britney Spears. I finally calmed down after I got the chance return the favor and ride his bumper and shout and honk, anyway we made it to Mi Cocina where I almost busted my ass tripping on the ledge to the patio in front of a huge table of people. While I did hurt my toes, I think my pride was hurt most of all. We made it over to see Adam after dinner, B walked and I limped. Adam was awesome – you should go see it.
Sunday B and I went to church and lunch, and then I ran some errands around town and cleaned the house. Now, I’m just sitting here watching Family Guy – laughing my ass off. Hope everyone had a nice weekend…
Saturday night B and I went eat and then to the Magnolia to see Adam. On the way from B’s apartment to Mi Cocina this total douche bag honked at me and then swerved around me and “tried” to pass, however, I was one step ahead and floored the car causing him to drive parallel to me in the wrong lane with oncoming traffic approaching. Apparently, I didn’t turn fast enough for his liking, but excuse me, when there are cars coming from both directions it makes it quite difficult to do so. Anyway, B wasn’t happy that I was driving like a total maniac and had this total psycho look in my eye, somewhere between a phone wielding Russell Crowe and an umbrella swinging pre-conservatorship Britney Spears. I finally calmed down after I got the chance return the favor and ride his bumper and shout and honk, anyway we made it to Mi Cocina where I almost busted my ass tripping on the ledge to the patio in front of a huge table of people. While I did hurt my toes, I think my pride was hurt most of all. We made it over to see Adam after dinner, B walked and I limped. Adam was awesome – you should go see it.
Sunday B and I went to church and lunch, and then I ran some errands around town and cleaned the house. Now, I’m just sitting here watching Family Guy – laughing my ass off. Hope everyone had a nice weekend…
Monday, August 10, 2009
Summer under the stars…
I’ve been spending entirely too much time sitting in front of the ‘boob tube’ here lately. What’s sparked this recent streak of indolent, idle behavior, so unlike me you ask? That would be the Turner Classic Movie channel or TCM’s ‘Summer Under the Stars’ classic movie marathons. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, or what I intend to do, give me one classic movie with a gaudy color scheme [i.e. Technicolor] and clichéd script lines and I’m not going to be good for much more than holding down a couch cushion or keeping my dog warm as he lays in my lap. I'll sit or lay there for the entire day watching movie after movie; I enjoy old movies so much. I don’t know what it is about them, but the movies from the “golden age” appeal so much to me. Cary Grant, Sophia Loren, Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn, Bing Crosby, Bette Davis, and the list just goes on and on. Just last night I watched Houseboat with Sophia Loren and Cary Grant. I found of particular interest, the difference in the way children of today (i.e. Children of the Corn) are portrayed in movies, and the way the children were portrayed in Houseboat (i.e. polite, intelligent, sweet, and humorous). A great movie, just like pretty much everything else on TCM… If you haven’t already - tune in to TCM, catch a flick, and step back in time. You won’t be disappointed.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Better late than never...
I know I'm only a month late getting them uploaded and published, but I got them up none the less. The pictures below are from my most recent vacation: New York City, Nashville, and Memphis. Sorry for the quality of some shots, my digital camera crapped out on me so I was reduced to using my BlackBerry as a camera.
1 - The Manhattan Federal Building, NY - 2009

2 Lady Liberty, NY-2009
3 New York Nights, NY-2009
4 Times Square, NY-2009
5 My Mother & I @ Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
(Behind us is the Concorde) 6 The Grand Ole' Opry Welcome Wagon, TN-2009
7 Aaron Tippin, Grand Ole' Opry, TN 2009
8 Elvis Presley's Tacky Ass Living Room, Graceland-2009
9 Elvis Presley's Basement, Graceland-2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Castaway – Dallasite Style
So I’m on a desert island, what things must I have in my possession or at my disposal? Check it out for yourself below. Also, while these are the top six things I couldn’t be without in life, the unabridged list actually entails about 4,890,885,412 items…
ChapStick – anyone who knows me knows just what an addiction to this heavenly substance I have. Crack heads have crack, I have: L'Occitane, Burt’s Bee’s, Khiels, Carmex, and ChapStick (in that order). Just to solidify my habitual and maddening use of this substance, when I moved from Plano to Uptown I found seventeen (17), yes 17, various tubes of lip balm throughout a 900 square foot apartment.
Credit/Check Card - I know what you are saying, why do you need a credit card on a desert island? You don’t; but, in reality I could never be without this modern day staple. It must be something to do with my generation, because most of my friends are like me, they never carry cash. I actually have a backup card – just in case my Checkcard were to be rendered useless – a big thanks to my personal banker, thanks for the VIP treatment Juana!
Pickles - as mentioned in a previous post I eat about 2.5 to 3 jars of pickles a week.
My Cell Phone – and, not just any cell phone, my BlackBerry complete with e-mail and browser access. I don’t think that there would be any reception on said remote island, but I get serious anxiety if my cell phone isn’t within line of sight at all times. I equate loosing this device to loosing an appendage.
DVR - again not a big chance that I’m going to have satellite reception on a desert island, but this one device, single-handedly transformed my life. When I was in the 11th grade I got a Tivo receiver and haven’t looked back. Now I use a DVR to record 4 shows at one time.
Google Search – on an average day I probably visit Google about 35-40 times. (But of course, only for work related purposes during working hours.)
ChapStick – anyone who knows me knows just what an addiction to this heavenly substance I have. Crack heads have crack, I have: L'Occitane, Burt’s Bee’s, Khiels, Carmex, and ChapStick (in that order). Just to solidify my habitual and maddening use of this substance, when I moved from Plano to Uptown I found seventeen (17), yes 17, various tubes of lip balm throughout a 900 square foot apartment.
Credit/Check Card - I know what you are saying, why do you need a credit card on a desert island? You don’t; but, in reality I could never be without this modern day staple. It must be something to do with my generation, because most of my friends are like me, they never carry cash. I actually have a backup card – just in case my Checkcard were to be rendered useless – a big thanks to my personal banker, thanks for the VIP treatment Juana!
Pickles - as mentioned in a previous post I eat about 2.5 to 3 jars of pickles a week.
My Cell Phone – and, not just any cell phone, my BlackBerry complete with e-mail and browser access. I don’t think that there would be any reception on said remote island, but I get serious anxiety if my cell phone isn’t within line of sight at all times. I equate loosing this device to loosing an appendage.
DVR - again not a big chance that I’m going to have satellite reception on a desert island, but this one device, single-handedly transformed my life. When I was in the 11th grade I got a Tivo receiver and haven’t looked back. Now I use a DVR to record 4 shows at one time.
Google Search – on an average day I probably visit Google about 35-40 times. (But of course, only for work related purposes during working hours.)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I cannot wait to see the movie Adam. It looks so out of the ordinary, and as one critic wrote “produces entirely unexpected results.” Now, I know what most of you are thinking…the last movie I couldn’t wait to see was Brüno, and as we all know…it sucked, royally. I’m still haunted by nightmares of all the crazy scenes in that movie; but, this movie is going to be different, I just know it. For starters it about a real disorder that many people have [aspergers syndrome], second, it won the Alfred P. Sloan Award at the Sundance Film Festival, and third, it has Hugh Dancy in it who is a terrific actor – in my humble opinion.
One problem, the movie isn’t set for national release since it’s an independent film. Adam was set to be released on August 6th in select cities so I haven’t been able to find it showing in any red states…until now! The Angelika Theater in Plano is showing Adam starting August 14 – mark your calendars people.
Check out the trailer and let me know what you think?!?!
One problem, the movie isn’t set for national release since it’s an independent film. Adam was set to be released on August 6th in select cities so I haven’t been able to find it showing in any red states…until now! The Angelika Theater in Plano is showing Adam starting August 14 – mark your calendars people.
Check out the trailer and let me know what you think?!?!
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