Thursday, November 26, 2009

SO Thankful...

On this beautiful Thanksgiving Day, I’m in awe of how many things I have to be thankful for in my life. First, my family and friends have their health and happiness about them. Second, in such uncertain economic times, both my family and I have not only jobs, but good jobs. We’re able to put food on the table, and clothe ourselves without issue. So many in this world aren’t… Third, is that I was born an American and can live a free life. Doing what I want, saying what I want, and serving the God I want.

In a world where so many things can and do go wrong, I’ve been blessed with an almost picture perfect life. Though, I complain and bemoan more times than necessary , and all too often get caught up in this materialistic world – I’m truly thankful for the life that God has blessed me with.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mas Comida

I’ve finally figured out what I’m taking to my family Thanksgiving – nothing too crazy. I will do a much better job of research and preparation for the upcoming Christmas holiday. I’ll keep you posted on it, though.

Thursdays Grub:
Dinner Salad (complete with iceberg and romaine lettuce, spinach, purple cabbage, purple onions, carrots, peppercinni peppers and croutons. All of which (minus the peppers) are organic and from the farmers market.

Buttermilk Pie (Traditional & Chocolate)

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Oh, and how could I forget, the most important thing – THE WINE!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday, and remembers to truly think about all of the great people/opportunities/things we have in our lives to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Naughty or Nice …

I’ve finally made out a preliminary Christmas list for this year. Honestly, there isn’t really anything I necessarily need, per se; as I have everything I ever truly wanted or needed. With that being said, my family still asks me every year to come up with some things or ideas that they can use while shopping for me. Like I said before, I don’t need anything, but if I have to come up with items for them, shouldn’t they be items I would actually like to have? So…I have amassed a list of smaller, everyday items that I would like, but don’t have to have.

Food Dehydrator – this is probably one of the things I am most excited about. I cannot wait to start making my own beef and chicken jerky – by the pound. If that is successful I may move on to the art of chips: banana (though I hate them), apple, okra, sweet potato etc. So many possibilities!

Jerky Seasoning Kit – please refer to entry above

Cowboy Boots – not sure of the color yet, since apparently having the lower portion and tops of the boots in different colors is 'in'

Dress/Work Clothes – suits, pants, shirts, shoes, the whole nine yards

Non-Dress/Work Clothes – jeans, polos, t-shirts, hoodies

Butcher Knife – I already have a nice one, but I would like an additional knife to have around in case I need it. There are times when my good butcher knife is dirty in the dishwasher and I need it; and, rather than to have to hand wash (oh my no) it, I could grab my trusty backup knife.

MagLite Flashlight – I had a really nice heavy duty MagLite right now that’s about ten years old, but I didn’t notice and at some point the batteries corroded and it’s now filled with battery acid.

While I love getting gifts, I really think that it’s more fun to shop around and buy things for my family than to receive gifts. I really put a lot of time, effort, and money into my gifts – I just hope it shows. Anything special on your list this year?


I know I’m probably the only nerdy person in my clique of friends that watches Nightline, but I really enjoy this news magazine program. Its new stories range from breaking news, to new and emerging trends through inspiring stories of hope and faith. One segment that Nightline runs a couple of times a week is called “Playlist.” During Playlist, Nightline interviews celebrities and asks them for their playlist so to speak, a total of eight songs (new or old) that are always loaded on their iPOD or songs that will make them stop channel surfing in the car and listen - no matter what. The most recent people profiled on Nightline Playlist were: Norah Jones, Jason Mraz, Michael Buble, and Carrie Underwood…
So without further adieu, Dallasite’s Playlist:

1-Stranger in my house – Ronnie Milsap
2-Tempted – Squeeze
3-Chemical Party – Gavin DeGraw
4-Cherry Bomb – John C Mellencamp
5-Tea for the Tillerman – Cat Stevens
6-Arms of a woman – Amos Lee
7-Ten feet away – Keith Whitley
8-Hands Open – Snow Patrol
Bonus Track: Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley

I really wish Nightline allowed you to pick about 800+ songs. I feel that’s really the number I would need to do my individual musicality justice. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be able to do the Playlist segment on Nightline for real!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you see what I see?

Is it just me or does it seem like people today really don’t care much about their own reputation and/or public image? First, let me say this; I have never really cared what people think about me – to an extent. If people think less of me because I don’t really match my clothes well, wear white socks with dark pants, get overly excited by food, that I basically live in basketball shorts and t-shirts, or just don’t generally fit into the box they imagine I should – then, no, I don’t really care what people think. However, I do care deeply as to what people think about my character. If people thought that I were; dishonest, disingenuous, thoughtless, trashy, or just a “creep” in general – I would be concerned.

On to my main point – people today (mainly C & D list celebrities) could give a rats ass what people think about them or perceive their image to be. Case in point: Levi Johnston, Carrie Prejean, Kate & Jon Gosselin, Kim Kardashian, the list could go on and on. Carrie Prejean - hasn’t she disgraced herself enough? I mean, the golden standard in Hollywood is one sex tape, but eight! Girl got problems. I bet her parents are so proud! Levi Johnston – he’s all of twelve years old AND a father and he’s posing for Playgirl...classy. The Gosselin’s where do I begin? Do they not think that their eight children will one day be able to search the internet or Wikipeida their parents to see all of the crap they have done and said about each other? And the Kardashians, while entertaining to watch are complete trash. I’m just wondering do these people know that mainstream America thinks they are total losers, or are they too caught up in the glitz and glamour of being a pseudo low-level celebrity de jour.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to the many men & women who serve our country each and every day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Well only in Texas would it be merely weeks, no days away from Thanksgiving and I’m using the seat warmers in the morning and the air-conditioning in the evening. I'm ready for some Christmas like weather and, yes, believe it or not, Christmas music. I'm sure like most everyone else I'll be sick of it 2 days after it starts playing. But, I could certainly use some 30 degree weather, sleet, and snow!

Anyway, I’m trying to decide what to make this year to take to my parents. I was thinking I could do the usual Buttermilk Pies and/or Deviled Eggs, but I want to change it up a little this year. My Mother always says “don’t try out new recipes on holidays and special occasions,” and she’s right. You never know how recipes, especially brand new recipes you’ve never cooked will turn out. Test drive those at times when you don’t have a house full of company. So either I have to get busy and cook something as a trial run before Thanksgiving, or think of something I know how to cook… Suggestions welcome!!

Also, I have asked for a small dehydrator this year for one of my Christmas gifts. I’m super pumped – I can’t wait to start making my own beef jerky. If it turns out well, I’m going to venture into chicken jerky and vegetables. Let’s just hope that I’m not on the naughty list this year.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I can't wait to see these movies:

1-The Box
2-The Blind Spot

Both look awesome. I hope I have time to see @ least 1 this weekend. We shall see - stay tuned.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My "Bucket List"

Time seems to be flying by here lately, it seems as though once I hit age 21, someone switched the time progression switch from Low to Turbo. It’s really out of control, but then again, what can you do? This recent epiphany of my own mortality has inspired me to make my “bucket list.” For those of you who don’t know what a bucket list is, it is a list of things I hope/want before I ‘kick the bucket.’ This offering is not to be considered a complete list of things, more of a jumping off point if you will; more to come as I see fit. The following is in no particular order.

1. Smash a pie in someone’s face
2. Kiss the Blarney Stone
3. Tour a good portion of Europe (Paris, Rome, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, et al)
4. Have a real life food fight
5. See the Mona Lisa in person
6. Master a foreign language – probably Spanish since I’m already in the process
7. Start taking piano lessons…again and fully learn to play
8. Bungee jump or sky dive
9. Attend Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
10. Make my own wine
11. Have a street named after me
12. Gamble in Monte Carlo, Monaco
13. Write and publish my memoirs
14. Attend the Olympics (I’m hoping to attend with my parents in 2012 in London)
15. Take part in a regatta